School Policies

If you have any questions, please email

  • Our school uniform colors are navy blue and white. All items should be plain with no writing or logos, unless it is the MSA logo. No jeans, denim or denim-like material (i.e. jeggings). This includes trousers, skirts, or jumpers. When in doubt, adopt a “less is more” mindset.

    Tops: Plain navy blue or white.

    Bottoms: Plain navy blue pants, shorts or skirts.

    Dresses: Plain navy blue (no spaghetti straps).

    Sweaters: Plain navy blue or white.

    Socks/Tights: Plain navy blue or white.

    Shoes: Sneakers, preferably with ties. Non-athletic shoes should be neutral in color with closed toe and no heel. No light-up shoes or sandals.

  • The health of our community is our top priority. If your child has any of the following, please keep them home and call the school.

    ● A temperature of over 100.04°F in the morning before school. If such a temperature develops during the day, you will be called to pick up your child immediately.

    ● Rashes that the parent cannot identify or have not been diagnosed by a physician.

    ● Diarrhea or vomiting.

    ● The appearance of being sick without obvious symptoms by looking and acting differently (e.g., unusually pale, irritable, tired, or disinterested).

    ● Symptoms of any communicable disease, such as: chicken pox, ringworm, mumps, measles, lice, conjunctivitis, scabies, and impetigo.

    For the protection of your child, as well as others, please do not bring him/her/they to school if they have had any of the above symptoms within the last 24 hours. If your child develops any of the above symptoms or diseases during school hours, they must be picked up from school immediately and kept at home for at least 24 hours (medication free) from the time the symptoms occurred.

  • By State regulations, parents must notify the school within 24 hours when their child or another member of the household has a reportable communicable disease. It is important that students with communicable diseases not be present in the school for the protection of other students and staff.

    Refer to the readmission guidelines below before bringing your child back to school:

    Conjunctivitis: 24 hours after first dose of antibiotics.

    Chicken Pox: 10 days, weekends included.

    Diarrhea: 24 hours after last loose stool or vomiting episode.

    Strep Throat: 24 hours after first dose of antibiotics.

    Fever: 24 hours after temperature is normal without fever reducing medication.

  • You may not send food that contains (or has traces of) peanuts or tree nuts. Please check the label and avoid sending foods that have been manufactured alongside foods that contain or have traces of peanuts or tree nuts. We understand that this can be limiting, but for those students who have allergies, this is very serious and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

  • MSA follows Fairfax County Public School’s (FCPS) closing and delay decisions. Information on when FCPS is closed can be accessed at, found on their social media, or heard early in the morning over most of the local television or radio stations.

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