MSA Summer Camp

Fun and Learning -
all summer long

The MSA Summer Camp program integrates the Montessori elements of independence and responsibility into an exciting camp environment as we continue to inspire children to be their best possible selves.

Two students in the Montessori School of Alexandria Summer Camp program climb a rock climbing wall outdoors.
  • Continue to work in the Montessori classroom three mornings per week. New activities are added to the program to allow children more time outdoors. On Thursday and Friday mornings, they go to the local pool.

    Enrollment: 3 or 5 days a week in increments of 2 weeks.

    Enrollment in our Summer Camp is strictly open to the MSA community — existing and new students enrolled for the upcoming academic year.

  • Receive a break from concentrated academic studies, while still being exposed to activities of a disciplined nature. They have classes in arts, sports, and go swimming twice a week. Field trips are also arranged weekly. 

    Enrollment: 5 days a week in increments of 2 weeks.

    Enrollment in our Summer Camp is strictly open to the MSA community — existing and new students enrolled for the upcoming academic year.

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